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来源:未知 编辑:admin 时间:2024-05-13
导读: 大国战略文学作品预言第三次世界大战科幻小说《明天》 作者:道医李三坤 The science fiction Tomorrow, predicts world War III Tomorrow author: Taoist doctor Li Sankun 在比利时布鲁塞尔的北约总部,正在召开一个秘密会议。 At the NATO headquarters in



The science fiction Tomorrow, predicts world War III "Tomorrow" —— author: Taoist doctor Li Sankun








At the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, a secret meeting is being held.



The meeting finally decided that when the big countries opened the liberation war on the island to launch the civil war, countries sent special forces in advance of a month to enter the island, directly into the island from south to north of the hotel. The specific dispatch of the troops in the secret meeting were two thousand in the United States, two thousand in Japan, one hundred in Britain, one hundred in France and two hundred in Germany. Enter the island in the name of the mercenaries to fight the town street fighting.


The meeting finally decided that when the big countries opened the liberation war on the island to launch the civil war, countries sent special forces in advance of a month to enter the island, directly into the island from south to north of the hotel. The specific dispatch of the troops in the secret meeting were two thousand in the United States, two thousand in Japan, one hundred in Britain, one hundred in France and two hundred in Germany. Enter the island in the name of the mercenaries to fight the town street fighting.



The conclave assessed the timing of the great powers attacking the islands by force, potentially launching a war in August 2028. At that time, the United States, Japan, Britain, France and Germany will enter the island in July 2028 to prepare for the island to fight town street fighting. The conclave was held a month after a UN meeting discussed whether the People's Republic of China used force to start the war of liberation, requiring the United Nations authorization.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres finally made the decision to let China choose, that is, not to allow the People's Republic of China to use force to continue the war of liberation. Because it is irresponsible for world security. The People's Republic of China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and an influential country in the world. It should not disregard the safety of the world for its own interests. So if you persist on doing it, please withdraw from the UN organization, and the United Nations will consider restoring the legal status of the Republic of China as a member of the United Nations. Now the government of the People's Republic of China is discussing for itself whether to quit the United Nations rather than take the island to realize their dream of a great power.





Great power strategy literature predicts the great power strategy of World War III science fiction novel Tomorrow Tomorrow —— by Tao doctor





Have you ever seen the tree corrupt to this extent? Although it has been completely corrupt dead, but it is not to fall, was pulled out by the forklift.










Maybe some people ask why do they die? The answer is a moth. In China, there are no less than 20 moths like Evergrande. Please take a look at another currently still majestic dead tree, already corrupt but is not persistent.








This morning, the author specially took two photos, intended to look at the pictures and speak, let everyone understand the most simple truth: the tree corruption is afraid of the wind, the government corruption is afraid of war.



It is said that Boss Dai of the Chinese Institute of Strategic Studies is a good friend of Taoist doctors for many years. Whenever the staff department of the Central Military Commission of a major country holds an important meeting, Taoist doctors are invited to attend the audit. At ten o'clock in the morning, Dai drove to the doctor to discuss the great power strategy of the security situation. The meeting lasted a whole day, without even having lunch, and the atmosphere was quite tense. The great country surrounded by crisis, can be said to be able to feel the scene of siege on all sides.


The worst thing is that the corruption of the government of a big country has completely lost the hearts of the people. The people have a little hope from the past to today to the bottom of the society who can not even think about tomorrow, is to live, feel a little despair of life.


In the face of the sea barrier and the loss of the people and the support of the people, the senior officials want to "fight" Taiwan at any cost. What does this mean at any cost? At your own lead? Implement real democracy for the benefit of the people and end the dictatorship, abolish your privileges and enforce equality between the government and the people? To give some of the power to run the government? No, they mean how much the lives of young soldiers will take the island. Even if the death of another two or three hundred thousand young soldiers is no longer alive, and the East China Sea is no longer bloody. Because there are too many traitors, everywhere everywhere. The traitors and the people in power were uneasy. Inside the aerial emperor, the external school of nonsense. Their children and grandchildren were sent to the United States to live in heaven, and most of the corrupt officials transferred their money to overseas banks. So these traitors and corrupt officials will not stand in the position of the national interests, but the Lord and, since ancient times how many traitors are not the Lord, right? And are rats carry the nest, treat the people like a tiger, see the United States and Japan immediately a servile face. These traitors and traitors you can not look down upon them, they have the power in their hands, can deny the emperor's opinion, let the emperor also in a dilemma, all do not meet the interests of the traitors are all pass.



Without the staff seminar, you could imagine how intense the atmosphere was. Because the traitors are all great traitors in foreign countries, holding the army of heavy power, this is a group of people who suppress the people, but the mention of Japan and the United States will immediately panic a group of people. So they clamor to attack Taiwan the most vigorously, also the most loud. Is not to consider the death of the common people. Discussion until the lights were turned on in the conference room. Boss Dai's impatience has been hung on his face. Dai is a famous hawk representative and ranks in the air force. At this time, boss Dai coughed and stood up to speak: " Today's meeting is to discuss the great power strategy, everyone is thinking about how to attack Taiwan by force. Is China's great power strategy just to attack Taiwan by force? What are the consequences of such a strategy? I don't think everyone is awake? Also claimed to be a think tank team, all this level is really better to find a few fishing fishermen to discuss, at least the fishermen also know what kind of weather can not go to sea fishing. After a day, has anyone mentioned the weather forecast for the Strait? Does anyone know about the wave changes in the Taiwan Strait? How much wind? What is the wind direction?”


Do you remember the pre-emptive mover of nuclear weapons, Mr.Doctor? Today I brought the doctor in, too. The Taoist doctor has abandoned medicine and followed wen. Although he no longer treats a diabetic, his military strategy is not what us people can master. His original strategy can anAnbang, his great power strategic military can determine the country. Since ancient times, it has been a great healing country, and we can not adopt the military strategy of Taoist medicine. Today, I suggest you listen carefully, we do not adopt, but the other side all adopted the defense plan of Taoist medicine. In the words of Taoist doctors, the believer is the doctor, we despise the strategy of Taoist medicine, the strategy of Taoist medicine will hire Taoist doctors to be military advisers. Because we do not channel the strategy, the doctor in line with the principle of not withholding the door will not offer for us.




Today, I personally invited him to listen to the meeting. He just listened carefully and had no chance to speak. Last time, the Taoist doctor told me about the problem of the five aircraft carriers in the South China Sea before I summarized a plan to solve the problem of the five aircraft carriers. I think since you haven't made a discussion for a day, it is better to ask a doctor to make a summary of today's great power strategy discussion. In the meeting place, you are so calm that you can even hear the breathing sound. Boss Dai said very respectfully to the Taoist doctor, Mr.Taoist doctor, please come here to talk about how your great healing country has formulated the great power strategy. The doctor stood up and walked to the front and hugged them politely. Dear generals, experts and professors, and teachers of the think tank, I have listened to your discussion today. All of you put forward a strategic plan on China's core issues. Let me personally publish a plan to kill two birds with one stone.







The Buddha told the wise man to make them enlightened, that is, the analogy. In this big family of China, there are three more famous brothers, the eldest and the second and the third. The KMT is the eldest, the CPC is the second, and the DPP is the third. The eldest and second were brothers of the same father, and their father was the founding father Sun Yat-sen. The third eldest and the second eldest are half-mother brothers. Their mother is the survival of the Chinese nation raising their three brothers. Originally, they were all one family, and the eldest brother and the second brother fought openly for the masters. The brothers fought against each other. As a result, the eldest brother lost the hearts of the people due to corruption, and finally the duel failed to retreat to Taiwan. The second winner was king, chased the eldest, and established the new China. The result of the duel between the second and the eldest was to drive the eldest out of the mainland and to the Taiwan, China. When the second brother was independent and built a new country for the second time, he was not able to liberate the whole Chinese territory, and Taiwan province was occupied by the eldest brother until today. Today's situation is that on September 28,1986, the eldest brother gradually lost to the third party, and the power of the Taiwan government was finally seized by the third party through the peaceful means of democratic election. Now the second brother again want to find the eldest brother to talk about cooperation already cannot find the opponent, the third brother does not know you at all, and the relationship of your half a wool all have no, you and I blow what beard stare what eye? Talk to me about unity? I didn't split up about what unity? It was the China we founded first, and you began to split China in 1931 to establish a Soviet Republic, which lasted for six years. In 1937, it was peacefully unified by the Government of the Republic of China, and your army was named the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army. If the unity should also be our Republic of China put forward with the truth. For you, it is a continuation of a war of liberation. If you want to fight, let the horse over. To die at a big deal.



The reality is that when the second and the third quarrel, the third's neighbor small Japan secretly happy, xi, the second and the third quarreled, very good. We should encourage their two brothers to fight, let them continue to kill each other, and finally our great Japanese empire can reap the fisherman, ha ha ha, yao xi, big good. Our schools in China, the incubation period is over, we can start to wake up, our virus weapons can be unsealed, ready to launch a biochemical terrorist attack in the Chinese capital, the time is set in the time node of the Wutong war to open the country change plan Mount Fuji determined action. The United States did not stop, the Pentagon called a secret meeting and decided to send only one stealth strategic bomber over the Chinese capital at noon, the day after Japan's biological and chemical attacks. The US stealth strategic bomber has already flown over the Chinese capital five times and has not been detected.





The great power strategy is not the physical strength and martial arts of the two people who want to fight in a duel, but the formulation of the strategic policy before the war. The mainland Chinese government really wants to liberate Taiwan territory. First, it should consider whether the living situation of the Taiwan people are poor and still eating food. Living a worse life requires the mainland army to liberate the poor people in Taiwan? The second is whether their own national livelihood issues will be solved well? Do the people truly support you to start the war of liberation for another three years of civil war? Third, if the mainland really wants to start the war of liberation, will the United Nations agree? UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres gave the Chinese government a decision of his own choice. The United Nations will not allow the People's Republic of China to use force to continue to open the War of Liberation. If it insists on opening the war of liberation, it is to withdraw from the UN Organization, the United Nations Organization will reconsider accepting the return of the Republic of China government to the UN to restore its legal status. If the People's Republic of China does not start the war of liberation to start a civil war, keep most of the existing territory and regime, and continue to enjoy a corrupt and comfortable life, the people will still dare to speak up. If quit the United Nations organization, automatically the legal identity of the United Nations to give back to the government of the republic of China, open the liberation war, and steal the concept in the name of the civil war, not only the awakening of the Chinese people do not support, but also become the enemy by the world, finally broke the slaughter, the world is divided. Should the old saying: the world things together for a long time will divide, divide for a long time...


When the second and the third quarrel, not only the little Japanese gloat, the United States also in the heart. What the United States thinks is to fight, you are just civil war professionals, anti-corruption amateurs, a government that can not solve the simple medical corruption, and want to win the civil war? I'm really out of myself. Well, we sell arms to support Taiwan. Taiwan is an ally in our history, and we don't see our Allies being beaten up. As long as the fight starts, Japan will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then get the benefits of the fisherman. We are also not happy ah, the national debt does not have to repay. As long as war breaks out, China can take the opportunity to overthrow the current regime. After Beijing, China will become a headless fly and other regions will be independent, because no one will obey the management, and I is the best in the world.


Why do experts speak up to the people? Japan's nuclear sewage discharge experts all silent dare not put half fart that fear of a public condemnation? When the Chinese nation is facing survival, why don't experts give valuable advice? Because the vast majority of these experts have taken the Japanese and Americans' money, and they have to help them to talk and harm the Chinese people, so that the Chinese government can completely lose the hearts of the people.







A great power strategy should be formulated: 1. Thoroughly in the eve of the outbreak of the Japanese school inside the latent spy, to prevent the occurrence of biochemical terrorist attacks. 2. Strictly punish Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage crimes against humanity around the world, completely destroy the Japanese militariistic government, do not declare war on Japan, directly nuclear Japan Tokyo. To tell the world of the evacuation in Tokyo before the nuclear level in Tokyo. 3. All the strength of the country to fight the disabled little Japan, and make an example that a big country should do for world security. 4. During the World War II, the Chinese shouted out that the Chinese would not fight the Chinese, and the Chinese nation should not kill each other or kill each other. The family does not deceive outsiders, the old and new China civil war is fishing competition, the Japanese will take the opportunity to steal the benefits of the fisherman. Moreover, after the mantis, the United States will secretly stab Beijing in the back, only a stealth bomber to decapitate Beijing to solve the war, there is no need to send any aircraft carrier to send any soldiers. As long as China withdraws from the United Nations and forces a civil war, the outcome is what everyone can see: only lose. Sign to write clearly, do the high-level are illiterate do not know those four words? 5. Japan will carry out biological and chemical attacks on China, the United States will also behead the Chinese capital, and Taiwan will fight hard with China. After the outbreak of war in the East China Sea, the lives of hundreds of thousands of young soldiers will be buried. If it fought Japan, it would be a famous and just war, and it would win the support and support of 1.4 billion people. And Taiwan would not help Japan, and the United States would not help Japan directly go to war with China. The Seventh Fleet would evacuate the Japanese base and return to Guam. Japan only acted on its own, and was completely crippled by China. After the defeat of Japan, the victorious division returned to the DPRK, and the army and people of Taiwan warmly welcomed them, because the great power strategy completely conquered the hearts of Taiwan, and finally those who won the hearts of the people won the world. This is the best outcome of dominating the world, the great power strategy by surprise, and the elimination of Japan in the defense.





Strategic literature predicts the end of the third World War science fiction novel Tomorrow: the unification of China Tomorrow —— by Tao doctor









现在是当年国民党政府腐败发动内战,结果败退台湾省,直到今天。当年是共产党没有军事实力继续解放台湾,1949年解放金门岛战役解放军九千余人苦战三天三夜后勤供应不上,终于弹尽粮绝,成建制被歼灭。被俘虏的最后回来也被歧视当成敌人看待,哪真是生不如死啊。The implementation of one country, two systems and the peaceful liberation of Peiping were well known to the people of the world. No one used the word unification to say that the peaceful reunification of Peiping was all over. Is that the truth? Now is the Kuomintang government launched a corrupt civil war, only to Taiwan province, until today. At that time, the Communist Party had no military strength to continue to liberate Taiwan. In 1949, in the Battle of Kinmen Island, more than 9,000 PLA people fought hard for three days and three nights and lost logistics supplies, and finally ran out of ammunition and food, and the organized system was destroyed. The captive finally back is also discriminated as an enemy, which is better than life ah.


For the Taiwan mainland still has no military strength to liberate by force. Therefore, some people put forward the slogan of "unity", steal the concept, "liberation" into "unity", this is the concept. In order to prevent the independence of the Republic of China from changing the national name to the Government of the People's Republic of Taiwan, the mainland government specially formulated the Anti-Secession Law as a legal principle to supervise the independence of Taiwan island across the Strait? A little mental not retarded people will not change the name of independence. China is the father sun yat-sen led the revolution to overthrow the dictatorship of the establishment of the republic of China, has 113 years history, and the establishment of the republic of China, is the establishment of the independence of the republic of China is before the split, and is the real China, you say the somebody else is old China, also, isn't the old China is not China?


After the founding of the Republic of China, the outer Mongolia was split independently. This is a fact of yesterday, which is not a "problem left over from history" since ancient times. Why not mention the unification of the outer Mongolia that has been divided and independent? Why is the government of the Republic of China, the Chinese founder across the sea? With no country without two masters, one China cannot have two governments. Why propose one country, two systems?


For the outer Mongolia, which has been divided independently, it can tolerate and established diplomatic relations with it, recognizing the independence of foreign Mongolia, before the establishment of the government of the Republic of China and maintained in the United Nations until 1971, was it after the establishment of new China? You yourself are a separatist and independent person of the Republic of China, only




You are a separatist of the Republic of China, but the world is adapted to the law of the jungle, that truth is within the range of the cannon, the winner is the king, the loser is the bandit. The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest.survival of the fittest in natural selection...... Justice is at home The people are the sky, and the people can not be deceived.


...... Excerpt from the wechat chat record of General Li Qiwu, a Taoist doctor and US military consultant:

道医:尊敬的李奇武将军,清华大学客座教授李大教授,久闻阁下大名如雷贯耳,皓月当空,久仰久仰。 李奇武将军:哈喽!道医师傅失敬失敬!

Dear General Li Qiwu, Professor Li Da, a visiting professor of Tsinghua University, he has been waiting for a long time. General Li Qiwu: Hello! Taoist master disrespect disrespect!

道医:听闻阁下为台湾防御精心制订了台湾安全防御策略并提出十二字方针:“以静制动,诱敌深入,围点打援”,佩服佩服。 李奇武:请道医师傅就不要讥讽再下了,我在您面前还不是关公面前耍大刀,不值得一提吗。让道医师傅见笑了。


Daodoctor: I heard that you have carefully formulated the Taiwan security defense strategy for Taiwan defense and put forward a twelve-word policy: "with static braking, lure the enemy deeply, and surround the point to help", I admire you. Li Qiwu: please do not ridicule again, I am not in front of you in front of the big sword, it is not worth mentioning. Let the Taoist doctor master see a laugh. Doctor: General Li, Professor Li, your thoughts can indeed affect the cognition of the students of Tsinghua University and change their views. However, the old man is a seclusion in the mountains, and he does not care about your thirty-six plans. You have your thirty-six plans, and I have my certain rules. Your defense plan is again impeccable, turn Taiwan into a hedgehog, in my eyes, ha ha ha ha, too small children.


Li Qiwu: Dear Taoist Doctor, as far as I know, you have been successful in studying the world problem of diabetes. It is precisely because you have leveraged the concept of the people at the bottom and the interests of the top people. As a result, you were reported for fraud by capital design just like Ni Haiqing and Hou Jing. Has the detention procedures are done directly, send detention before the nucleic acid detection are done, you have to declare the medical from wen, put down your beloved diabetes research topic was released, is the medical master in the mainland has been local government departments corrupt officials everywhere spite and discrimination, you still want to for such government contribute destroy my defense plan?


Doctor: I have to say, you poked my pain, my tears are about to stay. Yes, I abandoned medical from the article is written guarantee, and published on the Internet, the medical heart road, I was designed for relief, I just choose death will never harm, not choose to jump off a building, because I a person jumped off a building, will affect the price of the floor, I just choose to die will not harm people. I did not offer a plan for the government, because the government will not believe me as a mountain village wild man. I just talked with my friend Dai boss personally about a few national security issues, I can not enter the door of our government, in the eyes of the government, the people calculate a fart? Something to ask them to find letters and visits, no time to talk to the common people.


The government has a think tank, the people are not to go into the door of the government, and you are in, who can believe your strategy, the government laughed at the fuck to a mental illness.


Li Qiwu: tao medical teacher, I very admire your character, no matter how much injustice and insult, is not to our United States, we give you open one million resettlement, you indifferent, cannot move your heart, willing to live poor lamp cold temple days, you have the zhuge Kong Ming just, astronomical geography, can in May 2019 accurate forecast to Russia against Ukraine, time and place. I especially admire you.


I also know that you wrote the original Qingyuan Strategy, which is the wentao of Wen Ke Anbang. But you put him at the bottom of the box. We are all very clear about us. We are also deeply sorry for your experience.


Doctor: Thank you, General Li, Professor Li Da, I do not have Zhuge talent, no gentle wisdom, just live in the mountains and forests in the heart can calm down, a little god, there is my calculation, are god. Man is worse than god. Such as from one to ten digits, you want to tell me, I can find out your heart is a few, this is a kind of god, not my personal ability, I am flesh and blood, body, and you are just an ordinary person, but I can enter the soul of the rest of the others, know the idea, like two people playing chess, I stood beside watching, you can enter their soul, know what two sides to chess, this is the fundamental reason I will write power strategic literature, that I can enter the soul of Taiwan leaders, know her heart is worried about? Offensive and defensive both sides, I only like the viewer, the chess not true gentleman, talkative is a donkey. I can't talk more, so I have to write it out on the Internet to give Taiwan leaders a trick. Now the earth is a village, as long as the Internet published on the earth people know. I am a bowl of water, who cares about the people, to solve the people's livelihood issues, to serve the people I will help who.



Li Qiwu: please let me say from the heart of a sigh, already born yu why born bright. Doctor: You, an American soldier, even studied the art of war handed down by our ancestors, and to put it honest, if a great power wants to attack Taiwan by force, only 50% will win. There is no real certainty at all. The problem of a wounded escort cannot be solved, unless all the wounded soldiers are appointed by themselves. You brought two Tsinghua students do good things, the electromagnetic interference applied to the intelligent mine latent sea, artificial control into unmanned blasting submersible, specialized to deal with the big country logistics supply and wounded transport ships, General Lee, you line, ruthless enough. I am a Taoist doctor. I will cure the country, both attack and defense, and invincible. But our rule is that the doctor does not buckle the door, do not take the hot face to stick the cold ass. Those who do not hold them are doctors. The great healing country is not studying the high-tech performance of weapons, but the research strategy. I will not worry much about deliberately destroying your reputation, because the big country can not believe me a Taoist priest, the big country think tank, countless experts will offer suggestions for the high level, without me a poor village man to offer what strategy. You can rest assured to implement your defense plan. Besides me, I can not find a second superior to see through your flaws.wish you good luck.




Li Qiwu: Thanksgiving Taoist doctor master! A man cherishes a man. If the future in the future, I Li Qiwu must bow down to the doctor master, be your loyal apprentice. If the master wants to visit the island, I will arrange the whole journey to eat and drink well, happy and satisfied. Doctor: Thank you, General Li, Professor Li. Let's come here soon. Take good care of your health.talk later......




On April 18 of that year, the government of the Republic of China officially invited Taoist to Taiwan to carry out diabetes health training camp as a diabetes health expert. From that time, the Taoist doctor began to travel back and forth between the two sides, and the two sides finally signed a peace agreement. In history have been two not in the cultivation of Taoist Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tian Gang, thought familiar with astronomical geography, unexpectedly wrote a push back figure, when written about the future of the emergence of the republic of China, also want to continue to write, their master guiguzi holding a sparrow, a foot in a foot door, ask two disciples: " you two so can calculate, today will give me, today I is the door or not to take the door? Did I let the sparrow go or crush it?"The two apprentices were dumbfounded on the spot and stopped writing with the push-back picture. Science fiction "tomorrow" I was want to write the process of the third world war tomorrow, it will leak, turn China's defense strategy into offensive strategy strategy core secrets leaked out in advance, will let the United States and Japan alert and guard, thus before the war, not only will prevent nuclear strike in advance, but also the us in the world six theater command defense measures in advance. Because before "Tomorrow" was uploaded to the Internet, the strategic deployment of the United States was still an offensive deployment. The United States only focused on the anti-missile capability of missile interception, but because of its strong military strength ignored how to defend nuclear strikes when the third World War occurred in the future. For example, American warships only focus on the speed of attack and navigation, but ignore the thickness and strength of the protective deck, and thus they were severely damaged by collisions with merchant ships near the harbor. The US military will also be strong because of its military strength. Always hit other countries adopt offensive strategy, ignoring the protection encounter nuclear strike, only pay attention to the offensive strategy will be exposed their strategic defense defects and death hole, that is Hawaii around the world six theater command headquarters because of American pride and not build can resist the Chinese hydrogen bomb hit underground command. Just like the mouse has to make holes because it is weak to survive, while the cat can punish the mouse at any time, there is no need to dig a hole to protect itself.


Therefore, Tomorrow is not only a science fiction novel predicting World War III, but also Tomorrow will change the development direction of the future world due to the different importance of the leaders of three different countries, China, Russia and the United States. 如果中国领导人能够听取道医的“民族复兴需要正本清源”治国方略的演讲,实现中华民族的伟大复兴就会加快进度。

If Chinese leaders can listen to the speech of the strategy of " national rejuvenation, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be accelerated.



If the Russian leader can listen to the Taoist doctor's national strategy of "restoring the powerful Soviet Union with Russia as its core with flexibility", Russia will be reborn in the third World War. If American leaders listen to the Taoist doctor's national strategy of "defend the middle road, stop the world war and protect the dollar and enjoy the world peace", the United States will rest easy and continue to enjoy the happy life of the free world in the next century.



"The Original Clear Source Strategy" —— On the national strategy of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation







Man is a small universe, governance and medicine, the same principle. According to the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnosis of diseases needs to be treated based on the holistic concept and dialectical theory. The chronic disease of governance should also be cautious. Why did we propose to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation? That is because the Chinese nation is really at the most dangerous time. Not the collapse of the party and the country, but the collapse of the nation. Everyone is very clear that the past river is clear, there are fish and shrimp and many aquatic creatures in the water. Today's rivers, due to the serious pollution, fish and shrimp and other aquatic creatures are basically gradually extinct, while the rivers are still there, the water is still flowing, but fish and shrimp and other aquatic species are extinct. I believe that wise people hear this metaphor should be able to think that if our China does not take the "original source" national policy, the final outcome will inevitably be that although there is no collapse of the party and the country, but enough to lose the nation. This explanation, perhaps some people still can not understand, that good, today I will use the shape and spirit of the doctor thought to the leaders to do a simple explanation. The country is like the river, whether it is the old river in the past or the new river today, culture is like water, the Chinese nation is a multi-ethnic group like the aquarium in the river.



Today's situation in China is that " the river banks have been strengthened. For example, the economy has developed, the military is strong, the science and technology is leading, the country and the people are strong, the material life can be done at will, and the spiritual life can be free and corrupt. No need to advocate what faith, we can dream together. A country calling itself a great nation can not even realize the dream of love, will it be possible to realize the great rejuvenation of this nation? And has been framed by the United States, and by the heavy buy hired "thugs" destroyed their national backbone —— traditional Chinese medicine, basically already belongs to "high paraplegia" of China, to now still don't know to heal their bone tendon injury, rescue traditional Chinese medicine, restore culture of traditional Chinese medicine, governing, may you shout to the end of the third world war will not achieve your Chinese dream, not achieve your wish of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, don't hide, I analysis is China's illness. The United States' elaborate intention to eliminate traditional Chinese medicine is very deep, not what the ordinary people can imagine. Even if not eliminate the Chinese medicine of Chinese medicine using they have already bought Dr Expert professor of health officials and other government officials, for them to the Chinese TCM team basically beat scattered, with Chinese medicine not science, without medical certificate as an excuse, to kill, has the protection of the Chinese nation for thousands of years of Chinese medicine basically collapsed, vital injury, in a short period cannot recover. The goal of eliminating TCM in the United States was basically achieved. With western medicine thought control the Chinese thought, with western medicine to control the Chinese health, the western religious culture control of the Chinese spirit, to achieve an ultimate goal: the American production of western medicine sold to China, the American production of pesticide sold to China, the American production of fertilizer sold to China, the American production of gm grain sold to China and find an agent to promote transgenic grain planting in large area. Sell garbage to China, because many Chinese people think that the moon in the United States is rounder than that in China, and immigration to the United States is their dream. If the Chinese nation is really so great, why can not keep the Chinese immigrants to the United States?




How to clear the source, this doctor today for the leaders to prescribe a clear prescription, if you believe to take, after a year will see satisfactory results. 1. In order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must first rescue traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine culture advocates "people and heaven and earth", traditional Chinese medicine to protect the safety of thousands of years of the Chinese nation, Chinese medicine is now hit to the extent of dying, the Chinese medical industry is almost all control by western medicine, just a few decades, the experts inside the hospital western medicine patients more cure, minor illness into a serious illness, a serious illness cure in advance, hospital overcrowded, no longer to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, western medicine is not like Chinese medicine care about patients, but let you eat no effect of western medicine, let you eat for a long time, let you eat for life, eat to death, eat dead. Traditional Chinese medicine is inherent in China, which is about curative effect. Every traditional Chinese medicine respects the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and regulates the health of patients according to the basic theory. Since ancient times, there has been no Chinese medicine that uses patients for a long time for life. And western medicine dare to do something on the sphygmomanometer, a high blood pressure will let you take antihypertensive drugs for a long time. Dare to cheat the patient examination report, let the patient hospitalized for treatment. Dare to give patients with rebate drugs, dare to tell the patient that this disease is not cured. What other tests do you ask the patient to pay for? It is the western medicine that you open go out is too big, hurt the liver and kidney of the patient, make the patient more cure more heavy, do you say this kind of disease cure bad instead? Are you sitting in the doctor's office in white coats thinking about how much money you can make every day or thinking about how many patients you can treat every day? If it is not for you to save the wounded after the outbreak of the war, keeping you will increase the harm to the health of the Chinese nation. More than half of the dead people in the Taiping room are due to your excessive medical treatment with western medicine. —— Summary: The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine should be based on the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, supplemented by western medicine.




第二天上午九点,台湾电视台开始全程直播中央电视台新闻公报:“ 台湾同胞,港澳同胞以及海外侨胞:大家好!










2. To save the offspring of the Chinese nation moral lack, must formulate strict laws for Internet management, found together pornography temptation cheat money video sites and mobile phone WeChat chat pornographic video group scrutiny shall be investigated for responsibility, heavy penalties, dare not make again, three consecutive punishment also continue to publish pornography temptation website and WeChat chat group group manager, must be given punishment, warning. —— Summary: reward and punishment is clear, the reward and punishment notice, the informant, the yellow website and WeChat group manager. Let pornography, gambling, drugs and evil forces can no longer spread in China. …… At 9 o'clock in the morning of the next day, Taiwan TV began to broadcast the whole CCTV press bulletin: " Compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese: Hello! Today is October 10,2028, please remember today. Chinese mainland And Taiwan, China, the two sides have finally reached a peace agreement. Because it has never been divided, and without division, there would be no unity. It is all one China. It is only the good wish of the people on both sides of the Straits to achieve long-term peace that is realized today. Today, the Chinese government solemnly announces to the world: 1. To respect the choice of the people of Taiwan and establish the Taiwan, China Special Administrative Region, with one country, two systems, elect the people of Taiwan themselves and be responsible for the daily administration of the Taiwan Special Administrative Region. Taiwan's military police remain responsible for local security... 2. Since then, the Taiwan Strait has become an inland strait, and any country is allowed to cross the Taiwan, China Strait without permission. 3. Taiwan, China Former Defense Minister promoted to Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission 4. Use the terms Chinese mainland and Taiwan, China... 5. Chinese mainland and Taiwan, China...... VI. Taiwan, China Compatriots will participate in the elections of the CPPCC and the NPC in the future. Compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. Let us unite closely and work together to realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!





The author took a group photo with Chairman Chiang's great-grandson


What was the finale of 'Tomorrow'? Dear readers, you guess, you guess hard.



附 : 苏起:两岸一但开战,台湾可能会变成加沙。台湾网民:打就打谁怕谁。

If you agree with the author's opinion, welcome to add the author WeChat, please indicate "discuss tomorrow's problem". Please dear readers do not call at will, because the doctor is too busy to take the mobile phone. Calls can't be answered. Readers who are interested in "Tomorrow" can add the medical WeChat. After the medical assistant passes the wechat, they will take time to reply to the message that needs to reply to the doctor. Hope dear readers friends do not call, care about tomorrow's problems and wechat further consultation can be. Because the sky can not be leaked, the content of science fiction has leaked a lot of day, I hope you understand, can only write here, really can't write down. Dear readers, I love you all. Fill the world with love. A lack of love, a lack of love, a lack of love, is not a happy life index, the truth can not say, life must not lie, if you have already formed the habit of lying, your future will be surrounded by lies, you never tell what you hear is true or false... In the finale of "Tomorrow", Taoist only leaves dear readers two words: " Please tell the truth, the world does not need hypocrisy.” Su Q: Once the two sides go to war, Taiwan may become Gaza. Taiwan netizen: hit hit who is afraid of who.


The recent situation across the Taiwan Straits can be said to be an undercurrent, the sound of waves. Due to the convergence of many factors, the tension between the two sides is constantly escalating. In Taiwan, there are obvious antagonism: Zhao Chunshan, who has just accompanied KMT vice chairman Xia Liyan to the mainland, and Su Qi, the founder of the 1992 Consensus, who are extremely dangerous about the current situation across the Taiwan Strait. Mr.Zhao even changed his previous style of speech, saying it was not surprising that the mainland launches military operations at any time. Su Qi also pointed out that once the two sides of the war, Taiwan will face the same tragic situation as Gaza. The ruling DPP is calm, with Tsai Mingyan, Taiwan's top intelligence leader, and Qiu Tai-San, head of the Mainland Affairs Committee, saying there are no signs or reasons for military action on the mainland recently. Taiwanese, however, are more likely to believe the DPP's claims, mostly sneer at Mr Zhao and Mr Su's comments. Many people even provoked the mainland, verbally saying that "we will only know", believing that there is not enough reason for the mainland to use force against Taiwan at this stage. Zhao Chunshan's words, "Mainland military unification in Taiwan, there is no reason" is a possibility in reality. Xia Liyan is one of the main figures in the KMT recently responsible for contacting the mainland. He led the scholar Zhao Chunshan and others to visit the mainland many times, although nominally to visit Taiwan businessmen, but in fact to communicate with the mainland. Xia's past visits to the mainland have attracted much attention, and every time he returned to Taiwan, he has held a press conference to publicize the results of his visit. However, his return to Taiwan often disagrees with those he said on the mainland. Xia Liyan will in mainland stressed "on both sides of the Chinese, the KMT adhere to the contenders, members on both sides of the Taiwan", but after returning to Taiwan to support "my heart" contenders "is 'one table, don't need another explanation", such as the change is to cater to the island's political atmosphere, avoid being the DPP attack. However, Mr Xia's recent low profile is quite different, perhaps suggesting that the KMT has encountered setbacks in mainland affairs, plagued by problems such as the Kinmen collision. Zhao also changed his rhetoric after returning home, expressing concern about the future of cross-strait relations and warning that the possibility of the mainland using military force against Taiwan was not surprising. Su Qi, the initiator of the 1992 Consensus, also expressed concern about the situation between the two sides during his recent visit. He believes that once a war begins, Taiwan will face a similar town war in Gaza. Su Qi argued that Taiwan should be prepared rather than prepare for war, and that negotiations with China were a more dignified choice. A similar view is Ding Yuzhou, the former head of Taiwan's security services, who suggested that Taiwan set "end of war guidance," or when the war breaks out. In fact, these views warn Taiwan that the mainland's military strength is far superior to that of Taiwan, and that Taiwan must be prepared for war and be able to end the war properly. However, Taiwan netizens are critical of the views of Su Qi and others, saying that these people do not understand the reality, regard the war as a game, and do not know the cruelty of the war. Their comments are more provocative to the mainland, ignoring the possibility that could lead to the outbreak of war. The DPP has been claiming that there are no signs or reasons for the mainland to use force. However, Zhao



—— Medical review: tsai ing-wen focus on people's livelihood issues, deep people love and support, seventy percent of people in Taiwan support support tsai ing-wen, more than two thousand Taiwanese, there are minimum ten million people sincerely support, Chinese mainland army but to open the war of liberation against Taiwan, Taiwan will be universal, the armed organizations eight million militia to defend their homes, coexist with the city of street fighting. Would rather blow up into Gaza, and would never live in humiliation. Will defend their homeland to the death and fight for democracy and freedom. I hope that readers will not blindly advocate war from the crowd, because the war can not bring a little happiness to the people, can only let the people suffer. Don't be arrogant, water to see two feet mud, do not believe to open the war of liberation to know I for the cross-strait war to draw the spirit is not working. —— General Li Qiwu: The war of liberation in the 1940s was aimed at the state-controlled areas. At that time, the people in the Kuomintang district were poor and looked forward to the PLA. In the 21st 20s, the state-controlled district of Taiwan has become a democratic area, and the livelihood issues have been solved very well, and the DPP has won the support and support of 70 percent of the people. In the historical period of China's development, the people of Taiwan do not need liberation, their happy life and a peaceful home do not need to be a corrupt government clearly promises that one country, two systems to launch war, no reason for liberation to steal the concept of unification, blush? God bless, Amen!




(twelve) 《 tomorrow 》 The finale is the end of the play


Doctor WeChat: 15204223307 doctors



General Li Qiwu sent a wechat to the doctor, the doctor after the eyes with tears did not reply, resolutely deleted general Li Qiwu's wechat. Li Qiwu: Dear master, please allow me to call you as your apprentice. I also asked for a sign for you, please see the doctor master.





Master Taoist, I know you endure humiliation to write "tomorrow" is using your god to find out tomorrow, but you can not tell the truth afraid of being suppressed, so I will use the name of science fiction to tell clearly what may happen tomorrow. I also know that the local corrupt officials of the doctor discriminate against you, the corrupt officials make it difficult for you, the doctor can only live in a remote small temple, and the local government is always to close the temple to confiscate the key to the temple door, and not allowed to live in the temple, the survival situation is very difficult. Master master, good birds choose wood and habitat, virtuous minister choose the Lord and serve, the apprentice just asked for you, get two feet double boat, master your old man is now in cao Ying heart in Han, what do you hesitate? Come on, democracy and freedom. There will be no corrupt officials discrimination to spite you.


Road d repeatedly saw several times, canthus was already in tears, although I think way medical online famous, it is vain, free over the years, patients after cure thank a little money also used all over the country compulsory propaganda lectures, heart to liberate the world medicine slave, didn't want to use this technology to earn people money. Writing "Tomorrow" in debt and science fiction, I have nothing to wear.




In his heart, Taoist silently thanked his old rival, a retired general from the United States and a lifelong visiting professor at Tsinghua University. The Taoist doctor finally left his little temple and began to travel everywhere. The doctor is not alone, because the doctor heart has the world, for the world to pray for good weather and peaceful people.






For tomorrow, everyone should work together, love peace and oppose war. Martyrs for future generations to live a peace day sacrifice for today's peace, the Chinese nation should awaken, the people should wake up, today's peace is countless martyrs shed blood, what is no reason not to cherish peaceful life rather than excuses to a civil war to the Chinese nation again into deep disaster.liberate? Did the people of Taiwan ever expect you to liberate them?independence of Taiwan? How many Taiwan independence exactly is there? Only three or two people who make Taiwan independence made a few inappropriate remarks to bury all the people in Taiwan and bomb Taiwan into the ruins of Gaza City? In those days, the Eighth Route Army anti-espionage team dared to go to the county occupied by the Japanese in addition to the traitors, today's Chinese special forces did not dare to go to Taiwan to catch a few people who made Taiwan independence remarks? Must we use the elimination of Taiwan independence elements as an excuse to bring all the people in Taiwan to extinction together? It's all chilling to think about it. Three or two Taiwan independence only needs to send a few special forces to arrest and conduct a public trial. Under the pretext of eliminating Taiwan independence, 20 million Taiwanese people will be buried with them. What are you different from Israel? Israel killed Gaza in the name of destroying Hamas, you won't kill Taiwan province in the name of eliminating Taiwan independence, do you? Is it difficult to learn from the Japanese devils to implement the three-light policy on Taiwan? Do you really want to rank third in the world? Japanese, Israel, do you want to rank the third place in the world in order to eliminate a few Taiwan independence elements? Don't argue what can't solve the problem peacefully, why can't it? Didn't you see your own corruption solved? If you can solve your own corruption problem today, you will guarantee that you will unify the world and realize your Chinese dream tonight. Believe it or not? Anyway, I believe. Before tomorrow, the doctor asked: " Are you how you serve the people?



"The tiger runs rampant in the world, the wind cracks the ancient and modern" —— author afterword



《明天》 创作结束了,有很多读者加我微信问我为什么不写统一蒙古?而非要写继续开启解放战争解放台湾呢?








Dao doctor ordinary day, get up in the morning, sweep the courtyard. Sunrise, and rest at sunset. Ancient temple green lanterns accompanied, abandon medicine from the old age. Listen to the medical music, drink the tea of the second sister-in-law, pay attention to the way of health preservation, enjoy a person's democracy and the freedom of thirteen mu of land, contentment, writing the strategic literature works of great power, predicting the third World War. The author is alone, so he enjoys one person's democracy. We have truly realized a person's democracy. You can eat when you are hungry, drink when you are thirsty, sleep when you are sleepy, enrich your own food and clothing, and realize our real democracy. The author's ancient temple covers an area of 13 mu, so he enjoys the freedom of 13 mu of land. The author began to abandon medicine from literature and engage in literary creation. "Tomorrow" creation is over, many readers add me wechat asked me why don't write unified Mongolia? Instead of writing to continue to open the war of liberation to liberate Taiwan? Because Taiwan has TSMC, while Mongolia only has a few sheep. In fact, the biggest core interests of a country should be the livelihood issues, such as free medical care, free education, people can afford to live in the house to be the real master of the country rather than a house slave. The most important core issue of a country is anti-corruption, because when a government is unable to fight corruption, it is not far from the change of dynasties. Readers still remember the 64th learning tide? In that year, a large group of passionate young people put forward anti-corruption and anti-government corruption, and was finally suppressed. Remember the counter-defense against Vietnam? During the retreat, the use of blasting completely destroyed the industrial facilities in northern Vietnam and caused the economic collapse of Vietnam. The relationship between the comrades and the brothers was completely torn apart. The rest is not much to say, are white-eyed wolves, never feed. Therefore, the most important problem of a country is the issue of interests. There are no permanent enemies and friends, but only interests.









The great power strategy of great power literature is not to fight corruption, but it can not lead to the civil war. The Chinese nation once again fought brothers and sisters, which caused the third World War was finally killed by Japan after the biological and chemical terrorist attack and then beheaded by the United States, and ended its own dynasty ahead of schedule. The great power strategy is the time to completely eliminate Japan, act for heaven, completely eliminate Japan from the earth, and contribute to world peace. The elimination of Japan is a just war in the world and will gain support from the whole world. The just war, the righteous division, and the division is famous. Japan discharges nuclear sewage into the sea to destroy the earth, which is the time when Japan will kill itself? With the elimination of Japan, Taiwan will return to its favor, use no single soldier, and unify China peacefully, not by force. Since ancient times, the attack of the city for the attack heart. Force must not be used against Taiwan, killing once again the lives of hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers in the East China Sea. Why can't we unify peacefully, and the two sides still cannot sign a peace agreement? It is because you are so corrupt that you can't want to sign, because the rotten smell you emit requires you to wear two masks 30 miles away from you. The author wrote in "tomorrow" after a few words of truth...... General Li Qiwu sent a wechat to the doctor, the doctor after the eyes with tears did not reply, resolutely deleted general Li Qiwu's wechat. Li Qiwu: Dear master, please allow me to call you as your apprentice. I also asked for a sign for you, please see the doctor master.









Master Taoist, I know you endure humiliation to write "tomorrow" is using your god to find out tomorrow, but you can not tell the truth afraid of being suppressed, so I will use the name of science fiction to tell clearly what may happen tomorrow. I also know that the local corrupt officials of the doctor discriminate against you, the corrupt officials make it difficult for you, the doctor can only live in a remote small temple, and the local government is easy to close the temple to confiscate the key to the temple door, and not allowed to live in the temple, the survival situation is very difficult. Master master, good birds choose wood and habitat, virtuous minister to choose the Lord and serve, the apprentice just asked for you, get two feet double boat, master your old man is now in cao Ying heart in Han, what do you hesitate? Come on, democracy and freedom. There will be no corrupt officials discrimination to spite you. Road d repeatedly saw several times, canthus had already in tears, although I think way medical online famous, it is vain, free over the years, patients cured after thank a little money also used all over the country compulsory propaganda lectures, heart to liberate the world medicine slaves, didn't want to use this technology to earn people money. Writing Tomorrow science fiction in debt, I have nothing to wear. In his heart, Taoist silently thanked his old rival, a retired general from the United States and a lifelong visiting professor at Tsinghua University. The Taoist doctor finally left his little temple and began to travel everywhere. The doctor is not alone, because the doctor heart has the world, for the world to pray for good weather and peaceful people. For tomorrow, everyone should work together, love peace and oppose war. Martyrs for future generations to live a peace day sacrifice for today's peace, the Chinese nation should awaken, the people should wake up, today's peace is countless martyrs shed blood, what is no reason not to cherish peaceful life rather than excuses to a civil war to the Chinese nation again into deep disaster.liberate? Did the people of Taiwan ever expect you to liberate them?independence of Taiwan? How many Taiwan independence exactly is there? Only three or two people who make Taiwan independence made a few inappropriate remarks to bury all the people in Taiwan and bomb Taiwan into the ruins of Gaza City? In those days, the Eighth Route Army anti-espionage team dared to go to the county occupied by the Japanese in addition to the traitors, today's Chinese special forces did not dare to go to Taiwan to catch a few people who made Taiwan independence remarks? Must we use the elimination of Taiwan independence elements as an excuse to bring all the people in Taiwan to extinction together? It's all chilling to think about it. Three or two Taiwan independence only needs to send a few special forces to arrest and conduct a public trial. Under the pretext of eliminating Taiwan independence, 20 million Taiwanese people will be buried with them. What are you different from Israel?



If Israel killed Gaza in the name of destroying Hamas, you won't kill Taiwan province in the name of eliminating Taiwan independence, do you? Is it difficult to learn from the Japanese devils to implement the three-light policy to Taiwan? Do you really want to rank third in the world? Japanese, Israel, do you want to rank the third place in the world in order to eliminate a few Taiwan independence elements? Don't argue what can't solve the problem peacefully, why can't it solve it? Didn't you see your own corruption solved? If you can solve your own corruption problem today, you will guarantee that you will unify the world and realize your Chinese dream tonight. Believe it or not? Anyway, I believe. Before tomorrow, the doctor asked: " Are you how you serve the people?

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